Saturday 27 September 2014

Life| My Car, My Vehicle for Meditation

I commute to work everyday, the commute on average takes me 1 and a half hours going and the same coming back. Initially I found myself  trying to fill and pass the time. To be honest these commutes were tedious and I found myself bored. I mean there is so much music one can listen to. I would then use this time to catch up at times on senseless gossip.

After a while of rotating music, gossip, eating in my car and cussing at annoying rush hour traffic I found myself dreading the commute. I could not figure out why to start of with. Recently my in- car audio malfunctioned and I had to drive in silence. The first 30 minutes of my journey were so conflicted. I had to listen to myself think. Some of the thoughts were ridiculous, made no sense and to be honest a bit disturbing. I realised it was probably this thought process I was unconsciously trying to dull down by all the other activities I undertook in my car. My commute that day was difficult because between me and my thoughts was a very quiet space a very empty space. This space is usually filled with rubbish non inspirational music and senseless utterances, but still this space/void is  usually filled.

This very quiet day made me realise I spent a lot of time in my car, I realised I could not account for how well this time was spent. I made a very conscious decision to reclaim my time from the vice of poor activity. I have started to use this time to listen to audio books that inspire me and grow my soul. I alternate this with quiet peaceful meditation. I have claimed this as my own time to cleanse my internal thought process to nurture and nourish my spiritual being. I intend to delight and relish in this space. Prior to this discovery I had asked a colleague to be a travel companion, I found myself withdrawing the offer. I am now very protective of these commutes, why? because I have a date with my soul.

I reflect, listen to wisdom and most of all enjoy my own company. Do not get me wrong, it is still a very new journey for me, On some occasions I am still tempted to revert to my old habits. I draw my strength from wanting to know the woman who stares back at me in the driving mirrors. She is worth it. I urge whoever is reading this article to try listening to an audio book on a long drive or inspiring music. I promise you the journey will be a journey of discovery.

Take care of yourselves x

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